The Thrill of Orthodoxy receives mostly positive reviews, praised for its compelling argument for rediscovering the beauty and adventure of orthodox Christian faith. Readers appreciate Wax's exploration of church history, creeds, and the importance of applying timeless truths to modern contexts. Some find the book repetitive or lacking in specific theological points, but many commend its accessibility and relevance. Critics note a potential bias towards Western Christianity and a lack of emphasis on orthopraxy. Overall, the book is seen as a valuable resource for those seeking to reinvigorate their faith.
Orthodoxy is an adventure of discovering timeless truths
Drifting from orthodoxy begins with assuming its importance
The details of doctrine matter for knowing God and flourishing
Heresies narrow the faith while orthodoxy expands it
Christian truth takes on both the world and the church
Orthodoxy recognizes the eternal stakes of faith and practice
The moral vision of Christianity is a thrilling call to excellence
The beating heart of orthodoxy is found in mission and global unity
The future belongs to those who embrace the thrill of orthodoxy
Orthodoxy is an adventure of discovery not invention, and those are two very different things.
Adventure of discovery. Orthodoxy invites us to explore a vast and glorious world of truth that exists independently of our preferences or inventions. Like a map that guides explorers through uncharted territory, orthodox Christian beliefs provide a framework for understanding reality and our place in it. This journey of discovery leads us to encounter the living God, not merely abstract concepts or personal opinions.
Timeless truths. The core doctrines of Christianity, as expressed in the ancient creeds and confessions, have stood the test of time across cultures and centuries. These truths are not stagnant relics but living realities that continue to shape and transform lives. Orthodoxy connects believers to a rich heritage of faith while also providing fresh insights for each generation.
Key aspects of orthodox adventure:
Exploring the depths of Scripture
Engaging with historic Christian thinkers
Applying timeless truths to contemporary challenges
Experiencing the transformative power of the gospel
Assuming orthodoxy is the path to abandoning orthodoxy.
Subtle drift. The danger of drifting from orthodox beliefs often begins not with outright rejection, but with a subtle shift in priorities. When Christians begin to take core doctrines for granted, treating them as mere background noise rather than vital truths, they become vulnerable to error. This drift can manifest in various ways:
Focusing solely on practical application without theological grounding
Downplaying controversial aspects of Christian teaching
Emphasizing social impact over gospel proclamation
Seeking spiritual experiences divorced from doctrinal foundations
Renewed engagement. To counter this drift, believers must actively engage with orthodox teachings, recognizing their continued relevance and power. This involves regular study of Scripture, participation in a faithful local church, and intentional reflection on how core doctrines shape every aspect of life and ministry.
Theology isn't the point, just like knowing the map isn't the point of a journey and studying a grammar book isn't the point of a language. We don't seek knowledge as an end in itself; rather, we do the work in order to have the foundation for freedom.
Knowing God. Doctrinal precision is not about intellectual pride or winning arguments. Rather, it's about knowing God more deeply and truly. Just as the details of grammar enable richer communication in a language, the nuances of Christian doctrine open up a fuller understanding of God's character and ways.
Human flourishing. Far from being dry and irrelevant, sound doctrine creates the conditions for genuine human flourishing. Theological truths shape our worldview, inform our ethics, and provide a framework for addressing life's biggest questions.
Areas impacted by doctrinal understanding:
Personal identity and purpose
Relationships and community
Work and vocation
Approach to suffering and hardship
View of creation and stewardship
Heresies are never devoid of truth. You will always find some truth in theological error, something true in every heresy.
Danger of reductionism. Heresies often arise from an overemphasis on one aspect of truth at the expense of others. While they may seem to offer a simpler or more palatable version of Christianity, they ultimately narrow and distort the faith. Examples include:
Emphasizing God's love while neglecting His holiness
Focusing on personal salvation without communal responsibility
Stressing human free will to the exclusion of divine sovereignty
Fullness of orthodoxy. In contrast, orthodox Christianity embraces the full breadth and depth of biblical revelation. It holds together seemingly paradoxical truths, recognizing that the reality of God and His ways transcend our limited understanding.
Characteristics of orthodox thinking:
Embraces mystery and tension
Resists false dichotomies
Seeks balance and wholeness
Remains open to continued growth in understanding
Christianity stands against the world for the good of the world.
Prophetic witness. The gospel calls believers to a countercultural stance, challenging the prevailing assumptions and values of society. This involves both critique of what is false or destructive and the presentation of a positive alternative rooted in God's kingdom.
Internal critique. At the same time, orthodoxy provides a standard by which the church itself can be evaluated and reformed. It calls believers to continual repentance and renewal, exposing areas where compromise or cultural accommodation have crept in.
Areas where Christian truth challenges both world and church:
Views of human nature and identity
Understanding of sexuality and relationships
Approach to wealth and materialism
Concepts of justice and power
Meaning of success and flourishing
The pragmatic Christian looks at these warnings and wonders why we should spend so much time trying to get certain details right, especially if they don't seem to intersect with our day-to-day obedience at first. Isn't this a distraction from the Christian life?
Eternal perspective. Orthodox Christianity maintains a keen awareness of the eternal consequences of beliefs and actions. This stands in contrast to a purely pragmatic approach that focuses solely on immediate results or felt needs. Recognizing the reality of eternal judgment and salvation infuses everyday choices with profound significance.
Urgency of truth. The high stakes involved in matters of faith underscore the importance of sound doctrine and faithful practice. This urgency should lead to:
Diligent study of Scripture and theology
Careful examination of one's beliefs and lifestyle
Passionate evangelism and discipleship
Willingness to suffer for the sake of truth
The vision of Christianity is one of moral heroism, of virtues that flicker in a world of darkness.
Radical transformation. The gospel offers more than mere behavior modification or self-improvement. It presents a vision of radical personal transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit. This involves both the forgiveness of sin and the positive development of Christlike character.
Pursuit of excellence. Far from being oppressive or limiting, the moral demands of Christianity call believers to a life of true excellence and flourishing. This pursuit is fueled by grace, not legalism, as believers respond to God's love and seek to reflect His character.
Key aspects of Christian moral vision:
Holiness in thought, word, and deed
Self-sacrificial love for God and others
Integrity and authenticity
Courage in the face of opposition
Stewardship of gifts and resources
We find the gospel most thrilling not when we savor it, but when we share it.
Missional focus. Orthodoxy is not merely about preserving correct beliefs, but about propelling believers into mission. The truths of the gospel create a natural impulse to share the good news with others and to seek the transformation of society according to God's purposes.
Global perspective. Embracing orthodox Christianity connects believers to a global and historical community of faith. This unity amid diversity reflects the universal scope of God's redemptive plan and provides a powerful witness to the world.
Expressions of orthodoxy's beating heart:
Evangelism and church planting
Cross-cultural missions
Social justice initiatives
Ecumenical cooperation
Intergenerational discipleship
The future of the church will not be forged by those who tire of the thrill of orthodoxy, but by those whose roots run deep through the ages of the Christian church and back into the pages of God's inspired Word.
Enduring relevance. While cultural trends and philosophical fashions come and go, orthodox Christianity offers a stable foundation that remains relevant across time and cultures. Its ability to address the deepest human needs and questions ensures its continued vitality.
Forward-looking faithfulness. Embracing orthodoxy does not mean retreating into the past or resisting all change. Instead, it provides the resources for creatively engaging contemporary challenges while remaining anchored in timeless truths.
Characteristics of a thriving orthodox future:
Deep rootedness in Scripture and tradition
Openness to fresh expressions of timeless truth
Engagement with contemporary culture and thought
Commitment to both local and global church
Expectant hope in God's promises